Aditya Bansod

I made it! At the airport, my flight got canceled, so I scrambled between from a United to an Alaska, back to a United flight to get back, and ended up at LAX. Everybody was very helpful and understanding at SeaTac. It didn’t take too long to get through security, although there weren’t that many people at the airport. They did an x-ray of my carry on bag, and then asked to open it, and they looked in my bag that had my toothbrush and such. They saw my Mach3 razor and my nail cutters and made me throw them away. Interesting. The flight went smoothly, even landed half an hour early.

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Please pray for those who have suffered this terrible day.
America was caught off guard and has paid the most dear price. An unknown
aggressor attacked innocent civilians by hijacking planes and destroying
symbols of America, but we will not cower in fear, nor back away in
a corner of passificity. I have put together a collection
of different major web sites that chronicled this horrific day unfold.
Please, if it is or is not in your means, donate blood or money. Visit
the Red Cross.

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On Wednesday I went to SafeCo Stadium to see the Seattle
play. It was quite exciting. They’ve got one damn good
team; they killed Tampa Bay 12 to 6. We had really good seats, and were
maybe 150 feet from Ichiro. I’m down to the wire here at my last week
Microsoft and I’m working to get sign-off for my project to go live.
Should be interesting. In other news, I’ve started work on a list of
my reviews of restaurants I’ve been to
relating to how a vegetarian would fare eating there. It’s quite poor
at the moment, so take it all with a grain of salt.

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Well, what else is new around here? I’ve got three weeks
left here in Seattle/Redmond, I’ll be back in San Diego on September
15th. I recently saw Rush Hour 2
and American Pie 2, of
which Rush Hour is a far better movie. Maybe I’m just older now, but
APII seemed like such a dud, and generally unfunny. I recently got a
iPAQ 3650
. Ok, so this think makes Palms look like oversized calculators.
I can stream and play videos over WiFi (a.k.a. IEEE 802.11b or wireless
ethernet), with the PC card expansion slot. It’s got 4096 colors and
they all look beautiful. As I make changes in my schedule on Outlook
it gets transparently updated on the iPAQ if it’s docked. The thing
is beautiful. I had dinner at Wild
in Seattle this weekend, and I must say that it was pretty
damn good. Check out my dining reviews
page for more info.

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So, here it is, the history of Xanadu
cheese. Enjoy and enjoy it in moderation.

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8.17.2001: A profile of Swapan. Beware, he is armed and dangerous. (C) Eric Lai 2001
In my continuous efforts to bring you the sketchies of the sketch, today’s
picture is yet another of Swapan, as first seen on 5.23.01. I finally
wrote up the history of Xanadu cheese, which is now available here.

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So, it’s been a while since I’ve last written here. This
site is currently being hosted by Mr. Ochi of Strevda,
so I have little access to it while I’m in Redmond.
Things are going well around here, I’m working with the Visual
team developing specs and such. I recently came back from
Switzerland and France where I was on vacation with my family. This
last weekend, my girlfriend and I endeavored on a day trip to Vancouver.
Planned updates to the site include a write up about Vancouver,
the history of Xanadu
cheese, my ideas for a new kind of virus protection and my plans to
make a bug tracking system in .Net.

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Again, I am happy to report that Pearl Harbor has fallen
all the way down to number three in the box office earnings. This week
is hell week for me: I’m quite homeless, as I have no new house or apartment
to move into, and my lease on my current place expires this Friday.
Plus, I am moving to Seattle for the summer on Monday, giving me one
week to get ready for that business. And not to mention year end tests
and all of that too. Wish me luck. Oh, btw, I forgot to mention that
two weeks ago (I think) I saw my favorite hip-hop act,
Jurassic 5
in concert. Man, that was so bad. Plus, I saw Jack Johnson
as well, who is very dope as well.

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I’m very happy to report that Pearl Harbor only beat out
Shrek by $1,385,407. In Shrek’s thrid week of running, it is still pulling
in a whopping $28mil. Wonderful.

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It sure has been a long time since an update, so I’ll give
a quick run down of what’s going on. I saw Xizbit
and Face to Face at our Sun God festival this year. Xizbit was very
cool, and put on an awesome show, although it was way too short. This
last weekend, I saw Everlast
and the Crash Test Dummies
(remember UmmMumMumUmm? yah, that’ll take you back 6 years). It was
a pretty good show, although as the show progressed more and more people
left! Normally it works the other way, but not that night, I guess.
Everlast had some equipment problems during his set, so while the techs
were fixing it all, he took it back old school and did Jump Around from
his House of Pain days.

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