I love grocery shopping. It’s awesome to go to a nice grocery store and look around at all the food and produce and the tasty treats. Whole Foods is amazing, great food that’s high quailty but its fatal flaw is that it’s pretty expensive and the company is from Texas. Trader Joe’s is not bad either, good selection of food by their produce leaves a lot to be desired. There’s a great co-op called Rainbow Grocery in SoMa, which has good selection but their fruits and veggies go back quickly. My favorite places yet is a Signoa’s, a small mom-and-pop shop that has a two locations, one in Stanford mall area and another in Redwood City. It’s a bit out of the way if you live in the city, but it’s got great fruit, great cheeses, great pasta and a good “vibe” (if there is such a thing for a grocery store) and it feels good to support a small business.